Friday, October 23, 2009

9 weeks overview

In the first nine weeks of sports marketing we leaned the foundation of the marketing world. We started with the seven key functions of marketing. These consisted of Product/Service Management,Distribution,Selling,Marketing-Information Management,Financing,Pricing, and Promotion. First there is product/service manigment this is when you disgn a product and then you have to inprove it but seeing how your customer wants it to change. To change the product you have to get input from all part of you company. We learned about this by creating a product that had a unique and spucific feture that would make it above other products. Then there is distrubution in this prosses the ditrubuter has to think about how he will get a product from point a to point b. Then he has to figure out how much of his product they will loose in the process. We learned how hard it can be to choose out sorcing or having the work done close. We learned this through doing an activity where we moved salt and water with a straw a spoon and a paper towel. We learned how much prodect is realy lost.Then we learned about selling, in selling a seller has to know all about their product so they can covince the customer to by the product. We learned that knowing all about your product is inportent because without knowing you make yourself and your product look realy bad.Learning about marketing information manigment was easy all you had to know is the word "research". This word means what the customer wants how they want it and whats the best way we can give it to them. Financing this is very inportent, this is where you deside where the money you have is going to make you bisnees continue running.Then when you have a product you have to price it this is hard because there are so many products and people you want to price it just right to get as many sales as posible.promotion this is the part where you take you product and hit the world right in the face with it. Your product needs to be on everyones mind even if it left a mark. Push you product to the limate and make the customer want it. The P's of marketing Price ,Product, Permotion and plase. These things are a basic foundation to marketing.Price-its inportent to make sure you never over or under price a product or the customer wont me intrested.The product is something that the custumer wants and you have to sell them.permotion is how your going to make you product stand out. Plase is inportent because without the right place no one will come to get you product. S.T.P-Segment Target and Position Segment this is a group of people or companies that have simaliar needs for a product or servie. The target is what segmant you want to sell you product to. the position is how a product or company is seen in the eyes of their target market.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We saw a video on highly priced shoes. These shows could cost up to hundreds of dollars. The video also showed the Marbury shoes which was almost the same shoe the only difference is the brand on the outside.

Marbarys mother talked about how when she was buying shoes for her kids she didn't have the money to pay for the expensive shoes. She used her money on needs like food.

The definition of need is something you could not live without. Want is something that we would like better then what we need.

I buy things on how much money i have to spend on them because when i can buy 3 pairs of jeans for the price of one i would choose the one.